Exciting news🎉! We're delighted to unveil a significant enhancement to your issue management workflow within Templating.app. Our latest update is designed to offer you
more flexibility
with issue templates.
What's New:
Selective Issue Deselection
: Empowering users to tailor their issue templates with precision, we now offer the ability to deselect individual issues or entire hierarchies. Whether you need to omit a single task or an entire subtree, you have the freedom to customize your templates exactly as you need. 🔍
Temporary Deselection:
Concerned about making lasting changes? Worry not! This deselection feature is temporary and applies only for the current use. Your deselected issues or hierarchies won't be included this time around, preserving the integrity of your template for future use. ⏳
This update puts you in the driver's seat, allowing you to streamline your issue management process with ease. Craft your projects with efficiency and precision, ensuring that only the necessary elements are included.