Enhanced Description Field: Introducing Support for Tables and Info Panels!
We're excited to announce that we now support tables and info panels within the description field of our templates. With this new feature, you can create visually engaging and informative descriptions by organizing content in tables and adding informative panels. Whether you need to present data, provide instructions, or showcase important details, the addition of tables and info panels gives you the flexibility to structure and format your information effectively.
Seamless Communication and Enhanced Documentation
The inclusion of tables and info panels enables you to improve communication and documentation within your templates. Present tabular data in a clear and organized manner, and utilize info panels to highlight key information, guidelines, or contextual notes. This enhanced description field empowers you to create comprehensive templates that provide all the necessary information for your team members or stakeholders.
Unlock the full potential of your templates with the support for tables and info panels, and elevate the quality and clarity of your project documentation and communication.
For more information, visit our Knowledge Base or sit back and relax while watching our video tutorial.